Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 12, 2011

These delicious easy to find in Hoi An Vietnam

Hoi An can not eat a high floor, but if they will ignore the chicken rice is a regret, and while busy watching those old houses, do not forget to turn the small restaurant to eat a bowl of corn tea .

Hoi An is full of interesting destinations of domestic and foreign tourists. The ancient houses, the beautiful small cafe, the burden of brilliant flowers, the night of full moon drop flower romantic lighting ... was riveting.

And of course, walking along the quiet streets of Hoi An Vietnam, the abdomen was rang loud you can not find a good food. Please point the food delicious to pass up and are easy to find when the City Assembly.

Chicken Rice - Hoi An

The first choice you will definitely is chicken rice Hoi An. Because prior to this, anyone can "google" the delicacies of this country, and chicken rice is the specialty. But Hoi An there is not much chicken rice shop, to make the rounds of several streets, new you "beam" that scattered the wood plate, and most excellent chicken rice shop three sessions, Ms. Nga, usually starting at 11 am lunch or dinner.

It is a small plate of rice with shredded chicken, chicken and mixed vegetables. Steamed rice cooked separately, are mixed in advance with a little chicken fat, greasy and yellow nursery. It was shredded chicken, filtering out the bones, mix and squeeze all the spices, lemon, chilli, garlic and vegetables.

In warm weather of Hoi An, just because it was too busy playing chicken looked golden plate of rice seedlings, smell it up after 5 minutes you have "treated" a plate of chicken rice all draw. If you want you can call a disk, but eating in a "fragrant crave" the last good seats and to continue to enjoy walking city dishes. Hoi An's chicken rice price is very reasonable, from 25,000 to 40,000 depending on the size.

Curious to higher floors

With the "believers" of Vietnam, the drama follows the love for movies, high floor would be dishes that you most curious as to Hoi An. This dish is also associated with the city's brand associations from past to present.

Compared with the high-floor chicken rice sold more popular in the old town. In restaurants, the diner or simply a bear every night, you can ordering high floor. Each bowl has a high floor price from 10,000 to 20,000, depending on the location of your choice.

Many people do not usually think of eating a high floor Quang noodles taste like, however, high processing floor is a bit hard process and a lot more subtle. It was also then that the taste of this dish is not only attractive for the domestic but also foreign tourists.

High floor noodles made from rice flour is made from raw and cooked, gone through many stages will produce crispy noodles and pasta Quang longer. Besides price, raw vegetables, crispy tan greaves, the main point of a high floor is a bowl of pork pork. And the pork meat is also high water in the bowl floor, and get up very strong smell.

Donuts street vendors

On the street, a few other cars sold donuts are also pushing to call. Each cake is priced from 4000-5000 VND / unit, sold in small cars are very clean. Want to eat his, you only on the wheel and the car owner for open burning in a pan, a while after you already have on hand the pie.

However, donut in Hoi An is not diverse and does not have its own unique flavor, it's simple cakes made of flour, beans, meat or fried in salty taste.

Cao Street

After walking over to Japan, visit Phung Hung ancient house in a myriad of colorful lanterns, you step out to breathe fresh air. And across the street, you see a bear crap and scented hot city. So, this dish comes to you, just delicious, just fun, just recall childhood memories with the burden of seaweed: "Who created city, town to crap" ...

The corn tea city

At night, Hoi An shimmering with the cafe's filled with colorful lanterns. You can also choose a cafe Hoai River, located between the city center, just to while watching the delicious dish. Beverage of Hoi An is nothing special, however, tea is in Hoi An is very proud of corn tea, lotus tea.

Lotus tea set in a small cup, fresh lotus seeds, white, smooth, fragrant and cool, like a cup of tea any sen elsewhere, but the price is much cheaper, only 5000 to 6000 VND / glass.

With corn tea that's the difference. Corn is not here for the whole grain as the corn we eat tea in Hanoi, Vietnam or elsewhere. Seed corn is sliced ​​into very thin cells, cooked in moderately to the bowl for the majority remains tiny slice of it.

The corn tea aroma of Hoi An, also plastic, but do not need to eat more ice, but still very cool. Each cup of tea pretty small corn, the price is about 4000-5000 contract.

The white cake

If you have not had a break to eat cake, specialty of the Quang Nam - Quang Ngai province, with only 5000 to 10,000 dong, you will have this dish at any street in Hoi An does. Listen cake called dams, many have thought, "the chapters" chair, but simply beating wheel clamps wheel wet cake, and then beat lightly dotted with sweet sauce, spicy.

Dam to the mouth rice paper, with the crunchy roll of tan, soft and cool the cake moist, slightly charming, spicy hot after the dot. A mild taste like you are in an afternoon or a cool summer night. Simply that's all, but enough to make you feel more relaxed during a stroll around the old town, with soft foods that are hard to forget.

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